Doing Better Than Your Parents

I grew up dirt poor
(here in North America)
so it was relatively easy for me
to have a better life financially
than my parents.

I eat every d@mn day.
That’s doing better.

For you,
doing better financially
than your parents
might be more challenging
or even impossible.

That doesn’t mean
you can’t do better
in other areas,
perhaps more important areas
than your parents.

Perhaps the business you’re building
or the company you’re working for
is helping to feed the hungry
or has a smaller carbon footprint
or allows you to travel
or brings you fame
or surrounds you with co-workers you like
or makes you feel good
in one of a gazillion other ways.

That’s doing better
and that should be celebrated.

(It could also be a selling point
for your business
when you’re recruiting new employees
or partners.)