Review Your 2024 Goals

2024 is more than
50% over.

You had goals for this year.

Review them.

Are they still applicable?
Do you still want
to achieve them?

If the answer is yes,
take one small step
toward achieving one

If you plan to start
a business,
perhaps decide
on a logo color
or an industry
you wish to play in
or the type of customer
you wish to attract.

If your goal is
to launch a new product,
select a font
for the packaging
or craft a list
of possibly raw material
or devise three possible
taglines for the new product.

Take a small step
toward achieving
your 2024 goals.

Celebrate The Milestones

It is human nature
to always want more.

You set a goal of earning
$1,000 a month in sales.
You achieve that goal
and immediately bump it to
$2,000 a month.

That’s normal.
That can be healthy.

But please celebrate
that first goal achievement.

Take a day or two
and relish it.
Treat yourself to
a nice dinner
or a fancy piece of chocolate
or something else.

Use that celebration
to fuel yourself
for the next goal achievement.

Celebrate every milestone reached.