Boring Is Good

All the gardens
in my front yard
will eventually
be filled with perennial plants.

A loved one
told me
having the same plants
in those gardens
every year
will be ‘boring.’

He said that
as though it was a bad thing.

I LIKE that boring.

I won’t have to
plant in those gardens
every year.

I won’t expend resources
sourcing those plants.

The beds will be full
so I won’t weed as much.

I won’t battle
the squirrels
trying to keep the plants
in the ground.

This will free my time
and other resources
to focus on
the more exciting back yard
vegetable gardens.

Boring is good
if you’re receiving
the results you desire.

Don’t create work
for yourself
by changing things
merely to experience change.

Embrace that boring.