The Value Of Mentors

I owe much of my success,
in business,
in writing,
in life,
to mentors.

I was very fortunate
to have a Mom
who realized she didn’t have
all the expertise
I needed
to do what I wanted to do
in life.

She had the strength
to pair me
with people who DID have
that expertise.

I dogsat, for example,
as a kid,
for a couple
who had built enough wealth
in their lifetime
to retire in their 40s.

They taught me
about personal finance,
about creating wealth.

When I became an adult,
I reached out to people
who were where
I wanted to be.

Some of them didn’t want to help me.
Most of them, however,
did help
and that help
made a huge difference.

Seth Godin

“At the top tier of
just about any sort
of endeavor,
you’ll find that
the performers have coaches.

Pianists, orators and athletes
all have coaches.
In fact, it would be weird
if we heard of someone
on stage or on the field
who didn’t have one.”

Consider reaching out
to people you respect
or admire
and asking for their insights.

The worst thing that can happen
is they say no.
There is a greater likelihood
they’ll say yes
and that might change
your life
for the better