A common piece of advice
that is given to many writers
and to many other business builders
Write/produce what you want
to write/produce.
That advice is incomplete
because if we wrote/produced
what we wanted to write/produce,
we likely wouldn’t sell
that story/object/service.
Our readers/customers
aren’t usually ready for
our latest big idea.
They are often ready
for ONE of our big ideas, however.
Merely not the most recent one.
The complete piece of advice
Write/produce what you want
to write/produce
but ensure other people want it also.
Business builders usually have
quite a few products/services
they’re interested in offering.
I, for example,
have a list of over 100 story ideas
I would like to write
and ideas get added or drop off
that list all the time.
I pick story ideas (product ideas)
off that list
I think readers (customers) are interested
in buying.
I’m happy.
Readers (customers) are happy.
My business’ bank account is happy.
Produce what you want
to produce
but ensure other people
want that product/service also.
And keep a list
of product/service ideas
you’re interested
in exploring.