Take Time Off

I’m working today.

December 25th is a HUGE sales day
for Romance Novels.
Many readers are receiving gift cards
for the holidays
and they are seeking to use them.

But I’m working
as few hours as I can.
I hope to spend most of the day
with loved ones.
I want to relax.
I want to dream.
I want to be inspired.

Many businesses are completely closed
Employees and partners
are taking the day off.

Rest is important.

We all need
to re-energize
and we, business builders
to remember
why or whom
we’re working
so hard.

If you can,
take some time off

The Buffer YOU Need

I like to be
1 story ahead of my release schedule.

When I have that buffer,
I don’t worry as much
about meeting deadlines.

This frees up my brain
to create.

One of my writing buddies
needs to have an entire YEAR
of releases written
in advance
or she becomes too worried
to create new stories.

Another writing buddy
releases stories as soon
as they are written.
Having an unreleased story
causes her stress.

Figure out the buffer
YOU need
and try your best to obtain it.

Note: If you are a
no buffer at all type of person,
consider creating artificial deadlines
to ensure you don’t miss
real deadlines.