Failure Isn’t The End

For every plant
I wish to grow,
I plant three seeds.

In nature,
failure is often
the default.
It is natural,
the way of things.

In business,
failure is also often
the default.

More businesses fail
than succeed.

MANY more.

Because we often don’t see
the businesses that failed
before they were opened.

And EVERY successful business builder
has failed at a business,
usually at more than one business.

I’ve failed at hundreds
of businesses
from the vegetable selling business
I started when I was eight
to the Romance Novel business
I’m closing due to low sales
next year.

But that’s okay
because I kept trying
and eventually
I was successful with a couple
of businesses.

And that success made
my investment in and learning from
the failures

Failure is part of
an entrepreneur’s journey.
It isn’t the end of it.

Keep going.

Failure Is The Norm

Carl Sagan once said,
“Extinction is the rule.
Survival is the exception.”

We often think
the opposite is true.

We’re surrounded
by millions of species
that have survived.
Heck, WE’VE survived
(thus far).

We don’t realize
that many billions of species
have gone extinct.

This statement can be applied
to businesses.

Failure is the rule.
Success is the exception.

We see the successes.
We no longer see
the many, MANY failures
for each one of those successes.

If your business
is struggling,
if you have to close it,
know that is NORMAL.
It is part of business building.

And it doesn’t mean
your business building dreams
are over.

It merely means
that specific business
is over.

There will be more businesses
for you to build.