Staying Informed In A Time Of Horrors

A loved one is extremely sensitive
to images of people suffering.

Images of people suffering
are blasted all over social media
right now.
They dominate news coverage.

This loved one wants to avoid
all that
yet he still wants to
be informed
about the things happening
in the world.

So I give him that update.
I spend time on social media
promoting my books
(selling products)
and I see it
(whether I want to or not).

He asks me
what is going on
(when that works for him).
I give him the highlights.
He then returns to working
on his project.

Figure out a way
of staying informed
that works for you

YOU are in control
of how you consume the news.

The Emotionally Difficult Tasks

I pruned a rose bush yesterday.
It had to be done
to keep the rose bush healthy
but it was d@mn difficult.

I put on a brave face
while pruning.
Then I had to spend
some recovery time alone
after completing that task.

There are some
emotionally difficult tasks
– killing a beloved
yet money-losing project,
firing an employee,
wearing a f*ckin’ mask
so others won’t get sick.

These tasks are SUPPOSED to be
emotionally difficult.
If they’re easy for us,
it is time to step away
get some help.

But these tasks still
have to be done.

Schedule recovery time
for yourself
or whoever is doing
these tasks.

And assume they are difficult
for everyone.