Donating Office Supplies

It is back to school time
in the Northern Hemisphere.

It is the perfect time
to donate
some of your surplus office supplies.

Because office supplies
can often be used
as back to school supplies.

I had 31 white binders
I had once used
to hold manuscripts.

A primary school
was happy to have them.

I donated two backpacks
to the Little Free Library.
They were gone
in less than an hour.

I’d been given
those backpacks
as schwag.

I also donated a package
of pens
I’d been given
as a gift.

Donate unwanted
office supplies.

Put that positive energy
into the world.
Make someone’s life better.

Box Sh*t Up

Today is Boxing Day
in many parts of the world.

Boxing Day was historically
a day to box sh*t up
(leftovers, etc)
to give to needy people.

I carry on that tradition
by boxing up
gently used
or unwanted new
to give to charity shops.

I clear out sh*t.

I free space
for the new year,
for all the sh*t
that will accompany
those exciting projects.

And I pass along
the unwanted sh*t
to people/entities
that will benefit from it.

Box your unwanted sh*t up.
Give it a new home.

Donating Unused Supplies

I clear out
many of my
never-to-be-used supplies
and marketing items
around this time of year.
This creates space,
for the new year.

Someone, a charity or other entity,
can often benefit from those items.
Pens, for example, are always needed.

In my city,
all I usually have to do
is set the item by the curb
with a sign saying
‘Free To A Good Home’
and the items disappear.

I could also
do a search
or call different charities,
asking if they could use the items.

Yes, this takes more time
than simply tossing the items
in the trash.
That time is a give back
an investment
in other people.
It makes the world a better place.

Consider donating
your never-to-be used items.