Assumptions About Business Builders

Yesterday, I mentioned
that personal relationships change
when we start businesses.

We’re no longer
one of the working people.
We’re management,
business owners,
the ‘man.’

There will be other assumptions
made about us.

Some people think
all entrepreneurs
or business owners
are wealthy.
(laughs semi-hysterically)

Some people think
we have unlimited free time.
Working for ourselves,
never working.
(Instead of the reality
– always working.)

Some people think
we will always have
a well-paying, super flexible
job available for them
or others
whenever they need one.
(Where do I sign up
for one of those?)

And there will be more assumptions
made about you
and anyone else
who starts a business.

Expect those assumptions,
correct them,
if that is possible
and you care to do that,
and continue
building your business.