Not Offending The Fascists

Many large American companies
are dismantling policies
that help women
and other minorities.

Why are they doing this?

The ‘official’ reasons
are varied.

But I suspect
it is because
they don’t want to
offend the fascists.

That might not be positive
for the world
but it will likely be positive
for these companies.

It is a politically smart move.

If these companies dismantle policies
fascists don’t like
and the fascists come into power,
they are less likely
to be immediately targeted.

If another party
comes into power,
these companies will reinstate
the policies
and the party leaders
will feel they had a hand
in the positive change.

Should you,
as an entrepreneur
and small business owner,
play that political game?

It depends on you,
on your customer base,
on your plans
for dealing with fascism.