Work WITH Your Environment

We have quite a few squirrels
in my neighborhood.

They LOVE to dig up
certain Spring bulbs.

In the past
I would wage war against them,
trying to save
my tulip bulbs.

I’d place wire mesh
over the ground.

I would drip hot sauce
or cinnamon or cut human hair
over the soil.

I would try numerous ways
to stop the squirrels
from digging up the tulip bulbs.

Nothing worked
and I would become
extremely frustrated.

Now, I simply plant daffodil bulbs.

The squirrels leave those bulbs alone.
They dig elsewhere,
aerating our lawn.

And I enjoy the Spring flowers
with no stress.

It is much easier
to work WITH your current environment,
not against it.

(And your current environment
could be customer expectations,
industry norms,
the political situation,

Working With Our Unique Surroundings

My enjoyment regarding gardening
increased substantially
when I stopped
fighting my unique environment
working with it.

I have squirrels, for example.
Years ago, I planted
hundreds of tulips.
The squirrels LOVE tulips
and they shredded every single bulb.

I then did my research
and uncovered squirrels dislike daffodils.

I planted a few daffodil bulbs.
The squirrels left them alone.
The daffodils flourished
and multiplied.

Years later,
I have beautiful Spring beds
filled with daffodils.

Because I worked with
my unique environment.
I didn’t fight it.
I didn’t try to change it
into something it wouldn’t naturally be.

I suspect right now
you’re fighting some aspect
of your business’s environment.

It could be walk by traffic
consisting of people
who speak another language.
Or a social media platform
that suppresses posts
with certain keywords.

If you figure out a way
to work with that aspect
(you hire an employee who speaks
that other language, for example),
business building
will be MUCH easier.