If We Want To Be Talked About

There are writers
who complain
the Romance genre
isn’t covered enough
by the media.
It is the largest genre
(depending on the stats provided)
and it should be mentioned
when other genres are mentioned.

But then, these same writers
complain when Romance is covered
by media
when it is criticized.

We can’t have it
both ways.
Either we welcome media coverage
and we accept there will be
some negative coverage
we don’t accept
there will be negative coverage
and we don’t get media coverage.

This is true of all groups
and all demographics.

If we want to be talked about,
we have to accept
there will be negative talk.

Getting Critiqued As An Expert

A few days ago,
I had a virtual one-on-one
with a bookseller.

I wanted her to honestly
and brutally critique
my products
at her storefront.

The issue is…
I’m a USA Today Bestselling Author.
I have hundreds of books released.
I sell well.

And I could tell
she was nervous
about ripping my products apart.

So I opened with
“I so want to make (bookseller)’s readers
but half the time,
I don’t know what I’m doing.
My account is a bit of a hot mess.”

She laughed.
Her shoulders lowered.
She assured me
it wasn’t THAT bad.

Then she happily listed
everything I could do
to improve sales.
I took notes,
thanked her,
have started implementing the changes.

Don’t frame yourself
as an expert
if you want an honest critique.

Check your ego
and your pride.
Don’t try to prove
your way is right.
Ensure the critic
knows you realize
there are issues.
Signal you’re okay
with constructive criticism.

Then sit back
and listen.