Our Businesses Grow At Their Own Unique Speeds

A loved one started
tomato plants from seed.
He compared their growth
with the growth
of other tomato plants
on social media videos.

His plants were growing
at a slower rate.

But they are healthy plants.

And different growth rates
should be expected.
All seeds are unique.
Each tomato seed
is slightly different.

As is each business.

No two businesses
are situated in
the exact same location,
for example.
That’s impossible
even or especially
on the internet.

There can only be
one first listing
after a search
on a keyword,
for example.

We can take steps
to increase growth
but don’t be surprised
if our business grow
at different rates.

They SHOULD grow
at different rates.
They are different businesses.

Best Of Lists

I’m not a fan of
Best Of Lists.
unless the products or services or experiences
on those lists
are identical,
they can’t be truly ranked.

Someone who loves big cities,
for example,
won’t enjoy visiting
top ranked Bali
more than they enjoy visiting
second ranked New Orleans.
The experiences are completely different.

And comparing the two
could lessen our enjoyment of them.

Seth Godin

“We end up
comparing our wedding
or our box office numbers
or our tweet stats
not only to
our own best ever,
but to
the stats of others.

This summer is
unlikely to be
your best summer ever.
But it will be a summer,
and it’s up to each of us
to decide what to do with it.”

Best Of lists
and other comparisons
can be great marketing tools.

But the rankings are meaningless.
Our products and services are unique.
They can’t be directly compared.

Don’t use rankings
as an indication of worth.