It Is Never Too Late To Act

I read an article yesterday
that claimed some scientists
believe it is too late
to act
on climate change.

I don’t know one scientist
who is sitting on her a$$,
doing nothing,
because tipping points
and other climate change issues
are certain to happen.

They’re mitigating the harm
that will be done.
They’re preparing
for these tipping points.
They’re giving animals and insects
and other lifeforms
great lives

They’re taking MORE action
than many people who think
climate change can be stopped.

As a business example,
I know I’ll likely be
closing my Romance Novel business
in two years.

Am I doing nothing
because this will happen?

I’m creating magic
for my loyal readers
I’m enjoying the f*ck
out of these last 2 years
in the business.
I’m ensuring the closure
will be as painless and easy
for everyone as possible.

That is a lot of
f*cking work.

It is never too late
to act.

There are ALWAYS actions
to take.