Have An Emergency Plan

Weather will become
more and more extreme
as climate change progresses.
THAT is predictable.

In times of emergency,
we don’t often think clearly.
That’s why it is important
to have a plan in place

What is the safest place
in your office/store
for employees and customers
to wait out a tornado?

Can you make
that safe place

What is your policy
when there’s an emergency situation?

Do you send employees home
and temporarily close
your business?
(That is usually the best decision.)
Or do you work longer
because your business
is essential
for people to survive
the situation?

Are all your emergency supplies
in one easily accessible location?

Plan for emergencies.
Hope you never need
to implement those plans
but have them in place
in case you do.

Preparing For Climate Change

There are some big reports
being released this week
regarding climate change.

The news will be dismal.
Anyone who has stepped outside
already knows that.

But there ARE
resources available
showing us what we can do now
and how we can prepare for the future.

Many governments, for example,
have been
preparing reports
on the future of their biggest industries.
These reports are usually free to read.

Your industry might not be specifically mentioned.
But hearing how climate change
will impact other industries
might give you ideas
about how it will impact yours.

There are training seminars
for industry leaders.
Canada, for example,
recently held workshops
on how our ancestors
farmed successfully during droughts.

Take advantage of these resources.
Build your business
to be climate change adaptable.