Celebrate The Small Wins

I saw multiple bumblebees
in the small clover patch
I’ve been nurturing.

I celebrated that win.

I finally finished
a very challenging chapter one.

I celebrated that win.

We were told
the interest-free loan
covering our
solar power installation
has finally progressed
to the review stage.

We celebrated that win.

Yes, we talk about
celebrating the small wins
here on client k.

We need these reminders
because the rest of the world
does NOT celebrate them.

Often we focus
on all
we have yet to achieve
and not everything
we have achieved.

And we need to celebrate
the small wins
well…big wins
are usually a collection
of small wins.

Small wins can also
motivate us.
They show us
our plans are working.
We’re making progress.

celebrations create
a happier life.

Celebrate the small wins.

Celebrate The Small Wins

I interacted with a new-to-me reader

I put that encounter
squarely in the win category,
told the people
who would be happy for me,
who would understand,
treated myself to a mini celebration.

It was a small win
but that is usually
what drives larger successes
– small wins.

They are important,
are building blocks,
and they should be recognized.

Celebrate your small wins.