Starting a business
in today’s
pandemic, climate change,
stricken world
admittedly a challenge.
But starting a business
has NEVER been easy.
In one of my niches,
I started
before there was
a market for the niche.
I started with
a couple readers (customers)
and the same number
of competitors.
I would approach readers
one by one
in other niches
and sell them
on my niche
and my books.
the challenge is
the market for the niche
is TOO crowded.
But the market also
has quite a few readers (customers).
And I no longer have to convince
that the niche is worth trying.
Don’t allow
the challenges
of today’s business environment
to stop you
from making your dreams
a reality.
They CAN be overcome.
As different challenges
have been overcome
by others
in the past.