Being Ethical And Success

Many experts add
being ethical or nice or kind
to their list
of guidelines
a successful business builder
should follow.

But we all know
MANY business builders
who aren’t ethical at all.
And they are very successful.

Financially successful.

Because being ethical
is a limitation.

It means we can’t do
certain things
not pay our workers
upcharge customers
based on the pigment
in their skin
take out a safety feature
on our products
because it costs
a couple cents more.

If your definition
of success
is purely financial,
of course,
it pays to be unethical.

if your definition
of success
is to leave a legacy
or make a difference
in the world,
being ethical
is essential.

Pay Your Creatives

As a business builder
now in the creative space,
I have realized one truth…

Many people don’t pay
creatives well.

Business leaders,
for some f*cking unknown reason,
think that,
while they’re building their own businesses
expecting to be well paid for their products/services,
creative business builders
should be doing it purely for the ‘art.’

That’s bullsh*t.
Creatives need to eat also.

Martha Stewart

“We were half creative
and half business.
Most businesses don’t treat
the creatives
and pay them as well
as the business people.
So many companies
make the mistake of:
‘Oh, we need them,
but they don’t need to be paid
as much.’
Well, we paid them as much.
I’m very proud of that fact.”

Pay your f*ckin’ creatives.