Almost 2 Decades

I started blogging
for Jscott on RoadToForbes
in June 2005.

That’s dang close
to 20 years
of daily blogging
on that site
which eventually became
this site.

Those daily posts
helped me remain current.

They allowed me
to think through my thoughts
and better understand
the mechanics of business building.

And they gave me
a way
to pass along to others
a good chunk of the knowledge,
often not at all
politically correct,
I had gained
from a lifetime
in business.

I have NO regrets.
It has been an honor
and a privilege
and I would have done it all again
in a heartbeat.

Thank you.

Curation Vs Freedom

A couple years ago,
I gave myself the project
of updating the entries for my romance niche
on Wikipedia.

Every input I made
was deleted by the moderator.
Every single one.
Even though I cited sources.
Even though I was clearly an expert
in the niche.

I gave up.
The Wikipedia entries remain horribly wrong.
And, knowing that,
I don’t rely on Wikipedia
for anything

On the flipside,
I remember when Amazon
would allow anyone to leave reviews.
Ethically-challenged writers
would spam their perceived competitor’s books
with 1 star reviews.
It was a mess.

As Seth Godin

“Too much curation
stifles creativity,
opposing viewpoints
and useful conversation.
But no curation inevitably turns a platform
over to quacks, denialists,
scammers and trolls.”

Seek a balance
between curation and freedom
on your social media accounts
and sites.