Ask The Correct Person For Advice

A garden-loving woman
a garden-curious man
to spend an afternoon
weeding her garden
with her.

The man,
worried she was using him,
posted about this date online.

Many, MANY people said
she WAS using him.

Some other people said
she was testing him,
if he could complete tasks.

None of those people
were gardeners.

Because weeding isn’t merely
a task or a chore.
It is an act of nurturing.
It is caring for things
she cares greatly about.

Inviting someone
to weed a beloved garden
is an act of trust.

Most non-gardeners
are disasters at weeding.
They cause great harm
in gardens.

The invitation wasn’t a test.
The man had already passed
that test.
It was an honor.

But he likely won’t ever
realize that.

And he will likely destroy
an otherwise wonderful
budding relationship.

Because he asked the wrong people
for advice.

Be careful
about who you ask
for advice.

If You Need Cash Today…

Whenever a group of people
talk about money troubles,
someone usually suggests
the person in financial peril
start their own business.

I don’t recommend that
people who need cash today
try to find that cash
by starting a business.

Starting a business
might not take a lot of money
but it almost always
doesn’t EARN money

Most of us
are lucky to break even
in that first tough year.

It is much faster
to grab some temp work
that pays reliably
to get a job
at a quick service restaurant
to sell some sh*t
you don’t need.

All that might lead
to a business.

But starting a business today
won’t pay the bills today.

It is a longer term
source of income.