Fast Tasks

When I have a couple spare minutes,
I schedule a promotional post
for a book (product)
I shred some documents
I take some photos
of interesting textures
for backgrounds

I have a list of
that need to be done
yet don’t take much time.

And I used them
as filler
in my schedule.

A call got cancelled?
I do one of these tasks.

I finish a chapter early?
I do one of these tasks.

I have to wait for something
or someone?
I do one of these tasks.

I don’t waste these short durations
of time.
And the little tasks
all add up.

Keep a list
of fast tasks.

Complete tasks on that list
when you have a snippet
of extra time.

Take Photos

We often need images
to market our products/services
on social media.

We have 4 key sources
for these images.

We can steal photos
off the internet,
not gaining permission
to use them.
That is a shortcut
to an ugly lawsuit.

We can use photos
in public domain.
That is risky
as photos can be taken
out of public domain
at any time.

We can use stock photos.
They usually cost
at least $1 per image.

we can use our own photos.

I use my own photos ALL the time.
I take photos wherever I go.
I especially like
using close-ups of
flowers or bark or other things
as background textures.

I take precautions, of course.
I ensure there are no other brands
in the parts of the photos
I use
I don’t show people.

(To use an image of a person,
you should insist
they sign a release form.)

By using my own photos,
I ensure the images are unique
and I reduce costs.

And if I don’t use them,
all I’ve wasted
are a couple seconds of my time
and a little bit of memory
on my phone.

Take photos
wherever you go.