The Changing Children’s Market

Babies born to mothers
who had COVID during gestation
have smaller lungs.

Babies are also
being born with COVID.
They are born sick.
They are born with organ issues
and low energy
and immune system challenges.

Why am I telling you
this terrible news?

Because if your business’s
target market
is babies and/or kids,
this will influence
the products you design
and sell.

A significant number of
babies and/or kids
will be ill.
They will have their physical activities
severely restricted.

Toddlers, for example, won’t be running around
as constantly
as they do now.
But they might
still WANT to do that.

Knowledgable parents,
the type of parents
who buy products
for their kids,
will also likely
shield them
from places and activities
that might cause them
to catch an illness.

When you’re developing your products,
keep that in mind.
The children’s market
is significantly changing.