If They Don’t Use The Products…

A loved one was asked
to bring vodka to a party.
He doesn’t drink alcohol.
The asker knew that
yet still assigned him this important task.

There are hundreds of types of vodka.
They are all different,
will taste different in mixed drinks.
The loved one picked one bottle at random.

Is it a good brand/type?
He doesn’t know.

The asker won’t know that either
until the loved one
arrives at the party.

You might be shaking your head
right now,
thinking how the asker
should have clearly asked someone else
to buy the vodka.

Yet we do this ALL the time.

We talk about our business ideas
to people
who would never use those products/services
and then we VALUE
their completely random feedback.

Don’t ask someone who doesn’t drink alcohol
to bring alcohol to a party.

And don’t ask someone
who would never use your products/services
their opinions
on those products/services.