Confidence Vs Arrogance

As business builders,
we all need

We need confidence
to sell our products.

We need confidence
to convince people
to partner with us,
to give us business loans,
to take a chance
on a new-to-them business.

But there is a huge difference

I think of arrogance
as the assumption
the laws,
whether they are
society’s laws,
the laws of nature,
the laws of human interactions
or something other than that,
don’t apply to us.

Arrogant people
tell themselves
they are exceptions.
Those laws are
for ‘other people.’

They don’t have to pay taxes,
for example,
because they’re smarter than other people
or more worthy
or more powerful.

That arrogance is often
their downfall.

(Do NOT f*ck with
the tax people.
They will mess you up.)

Be confident.
But keep your arrogance
in check.

Check Your Arrogance

I’ve seen an increasing number
of articles
claiming animals don’t love
animals don’t think.

(These articles are preparing people
for when some humans are viewed
as animals
in the future
but that is an entirely different post.)

Believing animals don’t
think or love
is arrogance.

Science has proven
they think.

Heck, animals might be smarter
than humans are.
Cats understand English words.
Few of us know ANY cat words.

This arrogance by humans
is a means for us
to justify our actions.

We employ this strategy
elsewhere also.

Sally deserves to be paid less
because she isn’t as educated
as we are, for example.

We can’t tell employees
the real reason
behind that decision
because they can’t handle
that truth, as another example.

That’s arrogance.
Ensure it is justified
before using it
to make decisions.