Fighting Reality

I was super tired,
my brain wasn’t working
and I made the mistake
of agreeing with another writer
that AI is already being used
to write Romance Novels.

Other writers and some readers
jumped on that post,
telling me it was unethical.
They said no writer or publisher
would ever do that.
They insisted I was full of sh*t.

I wasn’t stating my opinion.
I knew for a fact
that some people were already
using AI to write their stories.

It wasn’t speculation.
It was reality.

They could fight it
all they wanted
but it was happening.

Right now,
you are likely
denying a reality
that will significantly
impact your business.

Accept that reality.
Accepting it
doesn’t mean
you like it
or support it.

It merely helps you
prepare for it.

And, if you wish
for your business
to be successful,
you HAVE to prepare for it.