Hostile Working Conditions

An accounting friend is interviewing.
She’s gifted (yes in finance)
and companies are wooing her.

One of her criteria for
a prospective employer?

The version of Excel.

She has used the latest version for months
and it simply doesn’t work
(for finance people).

It has all the bells and whistles
(though no flight simulator this time)
and that is the problem.
The fancy Fluent menu bar
interferes rather than enhances.

The product is over developed
and is not longer usable.

Getting To Yes

Seth Godin has a great post
on how people accustomed to saying no
will continue to say no.

The opposite is also true.
People accustomed to saying yes
will continue to say yes.

A common sales “trick”
is to start the prospect off
with easy yes answers.

Have you thought about getting a new car?
Yes (or else what are they doing on the lot?)
Do you have some models in mind?
Yes (again, they are on your lot).

Those types of questions.
Working, of course, up to the big yes,
the yes to your sale.

Categorized as Sales

Being A Specialist

Guy Kawasaki interviews
author and career columnist
Penelope Trunk.

What interested me was
her stance on being a specialist
vs being a generalist.

She says
“In Hollywood,
the best way to get your pick
of any role in the industry
is to become a specialist
funny guy, tough girl, action hero
get known for being the best at something,
and then use that star-power to branch out.
The same is true in business.”

That is exactly what I did.
I took my base in accounting
and wedged myself into
marketing meetings,
sales meetings,
and eventually
new business development meetings.

This tactic works.
Surprisingly, it is rarely used.

Kings And Pawns

I love this cartoon by Hugh
at Gaping Void.

The pawn thinking that
all his hard work will allow
him to be King
and the King thinking that
all the pawn’s hard work
will allow him
to remain King.

A wonderful illustration of two people
thinking “what’s in it for me.”

That could be you and your client
or you and your boss.

When you frame your pitch
to appease her concerns
while satisfying your own goal,
you’ll have success. 

Categorized as Sales

The Most Productive Thing

How do you weed through
the weighty to-do list
to actually do?

Don The Idea Guy
asks himself this question
“Are you doing the most productive
thing possible right now?”

This allows us to first ask
what is truly important
and then to move that task
to the top of the list.

The least productive things?
Either delegate
or drop from the list entirely.

Categorized as General

No Invulnerable Egos

On the weekend,
I made a comment about
being an arrogant ass.
A friend turned to me
and said
“But even arrogant asses
cry sometimes, don’t they?”

Too true.

As Harry and Christine Clifford Beckwith
state in their new book
You, Inc.
“There are big eogs.
But there are no
invulnerable egos.
All people are fragile.”

Make a person feel important
and you’ll make a friend
or make a sale.

Categorized as Sales

Email Management

Mary Sullivan at Way To Grow relays that
“Peter Turla of the National Management Institute
estimates that 65 percent of the participants
in his time management seminars
compulsively check their e-mail.”

Email can be a time sucker.
As I’m currently
in my summer writing routine,
I keep my emails and phone calls
and blogging surfing
on a tight schedule.

I do first.
Report on it second.

Categorized as General

The 8 Elements Of Voice

Screenwriter Nika Rylski ‘s recent seminar
covered the 8 elements of voice.
They are;
-speaking style, sentence length
-verbal ticks

Why are these elements important?
Each tells a good saleswoman
more about her prospect.

For example:
vocabulary tells us class
grammar tells us level of education
slang tells us age

The more we know about our prospect,
the easier we close sales.

Categorized as Sales

Street Tricks

Mirroring is a powerful sales technique,
matching the saleswoman’s actions
to the prospect’s.

Some street people looking
for hand outs know this.

They know that if they walk
beside the prospect,
they’ll get more money
because they become
one of us.

Categorized as Sales