If a reader hates my writing,
they are unlikely to read
my work.
Their mind is decided.
It would take
a lot of time and marketing money
and other resources
to try to shift
that position
…if that is even possible.
Often it ISN’T possible.
If the decided-against-my-writing
the only source
of new-to-me readers,
I might expend that energy.
But they aren’t
the only source.
There’s a HUGE pool
of readers
with no set opinions
about my books
– the undecided.
It still requires
time and money
and other resources
to influence the undecided
but it takes less of that
and there’s a higher
probability of success.
Don’t waste resources
on the decided-against-you.
Invest that time and money
and energy
into wooing the undecided.