Don’t Allow Them To Stop You

The trendy troll review
right now
is to accuse a writer
of using a ghostwriter.
The ‘reviewer’
says the story
doesn’t sound like
one of the writer’s.
They suspect she didn’t craft it.

I write very intricate stories
set in a complex world.

I’ve tried to think of
a writer I could hand
my unfinished series to
should something happen to me.

I’ve yet to find that writer.

My stories definitely can’t be
given to ghostwriters.

Yet I receive
these troll reviews also.
They make no sense for my stories
but that doesn’t stop
the trolls.

Nothing I do will stop them.

So I don’t allow them
to stop me.

Don’t allow them
to stop you either.
Ignore them.
Continue building
your business.
Change the world.

The Secret To Longevity

I was chatting online
with an actress yesterday
about Halle Berry
and the secrets to longevity
in Hollywood.

The #1 secret
is taking control.

Halle Berry is now producing
and directing.
She can create great roles
for older actresses
and for herself.

I found that true
in business.
Toward the end
of my corporate career,
I would pitch projects
to executive teams,
projects I would then lead.

I find that true
in writing.
If a publisher isn’t interested
in a story or series,
I publish it myself.

If we’re creating the jobs,
we’ll always have a job.

Want longevity?
Take control.

You Need Someone To Call You On Your Bullsh*t

A skilled architect recently resigned
from a $200 million project
because the people around him
didn’t have the balls
to tell a billionaire
his project would likely result
in occupant suicides.

I suspect everyone around Charlie Munger
was too intimidated
by his wealth and success
to tell him
his plans were terrible.

And that’s a problem.
Because we ALL need
people who have the courage,
the confidence
to warn us
when we’re doing bizarre
or harmful things.

We need that now
when we’re not-yet-successful
and we’ll REALLY need that later
when we’re super successful
and a bit intimidating
to strangers.

Keep your honest critics
by your side.
Treat them well.
They might stop you
from inadvertently killing people

Starting A Business And Hope

Business builders
are some of the most optimistic
people on the planet.

We believe there are people
out there
who will want and love
our products/services.

And we’re usually right.

It might seem like
a dark time
to be starting a business.
The world is a bit
of a mess right now.

But dark times
are when we need hope
the most
and starting a business
is often the way
we share our optimism
with the world.

A new business
is a huge symbol of hope,
a declaration
that things will get better.

People look at a new business
and say to themselves,
“That business owner
must think there are good times
Maybe I should think
that way too.”

The world needs
our businesses now
more than ever.
Let’s do this!

The Meeting Place

As you build your business,
you might discover,
as many established businesses
did during the pandemic,
there is no need
to have a permanent office.

Work can be done
just as or more
easily from home.

But as
Seth Godin

“As social creatures,
many people very much need
a place to go,
a community to be part of,
a sense of belonging
and meaning.
But it’s not at all clear
that the 1957 office building
is the best way
to solve those problems.”

A loved one’s company
rents a boardroom
once a week
at a central hotel.
Employees meet there.

Another loved one
holds once a month
team lunches
at a central restaurant.

Meeting face-to-face
CAN BE important.
But those meet ups
don’t have to happen
and they don’t have to happen
at a dreary office building.

Think outside
of the traditional
corporate structure.

Build a business
that works for YOU.

Know When To Step Back

Yesterday, I was waiting
in the lobby of a hotel.
I was masked.
I’m double vaxxed.

There was a masked Mom with her newborn
also waiting.

A man walked into the lobby coughing.
He wasn’t masked.

I gave him a dirty look
and tapped my nose
(the universal sign
for wear your d*mn mask).

He smirked at me
and sat in the chair
next to the newborn.

At which point,
…I did nothing.

There was nothing to do.
The man knew he should be
wearing a mask.
He knew he was putting that sweet baby
at risk.
But legally, he had a right
to do exactly that.

We do what we can
to make the world
a better, safer, more wonderful place.

But when we can’t accomplish that,
we have to step back.
(And hope for the best.)

Know when a battle
is unwinnable.
Know when to stop fighting.

There Might Be A Lag

The organization
a loved one
was selling product for
implemented a huge change,
a change that punished

At first,
the organization didn’t see
much turnover.
Management believed
the change had made no impact
on employees.

Two months later,
almost all of their top salespeople,
including my loved one,
had put in their notice.
They were moving
to the competition.

There’s often a lag
between an action
and consequences.

When I publish
a bad book,
I will likely only see
a difference in sales
when the next book releases.

When there’s a change
in an organization,
it often takes
skilled people a month or two
to find a new job.

Don’t assume,
when nothing happens
right away,
there are no consequences.

might be coming.

Standardized Your Inputs

A writing mentor once told me
that if my next story
(next product)
couldn’t be handed to a ghostwriter
to write
my brand likely didn’t
have mass reader (customer) appeal.

The business would never ramp up
to a million dollar
a release level.

My stories can’t be handed
to ghostwriters to write
and I’ve accepted
that my readership growth
will be capped.

Seth Godin

“The pressure tends to go
in one direction
–turn your work
into a commodity,
smooth over the edges
and fit in all the way.
That seems hard to argue with,
particularly if you want to be
popular and profitable.”

If you want mass market sales,
used standard inputs.

If you want to create
a truly unique product,
using unique ingredients,
know that your sales
WILL be capped at a certain level.
Accept that.

Are You Proud Of Your Products?

I’ve written stories
I wasn’t proud to claim as mine.
I did that
because my publisher requested the stories
because I thought
those stories were what readers wanted.

The stories sold terribly.


Because I didn’t promote them
with enthusiasm.
I held back.
I didn’t care as much.

And it showed.
Readers (targets) felt
my misgivings.
Plus one less promotion push a day
adds up.
It makes a difference
over time.

Craft products and services
you are proud
of producing.
It will greatly increase
your chances of success.

Buy In Stock

Supply chains are all messed up.
Retailers don’t know
when they’re receiving
the next shipment

I’m holiday shopping
right now.

I am only buying
that are shown
as being in stock,
items that SHOULD
be in the warehouse.

If an item isn’t showing
as being in stock,
I can’t count on receiving it
before the end of the year

If you need something quickly,
shop around
and buy from a store
that already has that something
in stock.

That ensures you’ll receive it.