Matt Kemp And Staying Focused

When I’m in,
what I call,
the writing cave,
nothing disturbs me.
A train could roll behind my chair
and I wouldn’t notice.

The writing cave isn’t a place.
It is a mindset.
When I’m writing,
I’m writing.
I’m not checking email.
I’m not thinking about dinner.
The only thing in my head
is the story.

In May 2012’s
Men’s Health,
Matt Kemp shares

“Sometimes you’ll have a bad at-bat
and then take your anger into the field
and misplay a fly ball.
Or you’ll make an error in the field
and then do something wrong
on the base paths.

What Davey
[the Dodgers First Base Coach]
stressed was,

‘When you’re a hitter,
be a hitter.
Block everything else out.

Whatever you’re doing,
focus on what you need to do in that role.
Don’t carry over negative feelings.'”

Focus is very powerful.
Develop it.
Use it.

Zac Efron And Working It

I’m still working like a demon
writing a trilogy of novellas
in less than a month
plus my usual short story.
(that’s 85,000 polished words
in a month)

I don’t mind
because hard work
has been key
to all of my successes.

Hard work has also been key
to Zac Efron’s success.

In the May 2012 issue
of Men’s Health,
he shares

“I could pick up almost anything.
If you put it in front of me,
I could always find a way to tackle it.
I was never a natural at anything,
but I could always outwork everyone.”

Work it like Efron!

Gateway To Creation

During his talk to the IFOH,
Clay Shirky,
author of Cognitive Surplus,
talked about how
things like LOL Cats
and Twitter are important.

“There’s a gulf
between doing something
and doing nothing.”
“LOL Cats are the gateway drug
to other forms of
making something,
sharing something.”
“Twitter is plainly a creative act.”

In the writing world,
we have fan fiction.
The writer creates the world,
the characters,
the ‘rules’,
and fans create variations
on these existing stories.

Many writers
use fan fiction as a stepping stone
(the most recent being
E.L. James with 50 Shades Of Grey).
It is an easier first step
along the road to innovation.

Do what works for you
to cross that gulf
between doing nothing
and doing something.

Clay Shirky And TV Watching

During a presentation by
Clay Shirky,
author of Cognitive Surplus
at the IFOH,
he shared that
North Americans spend
200 billion hours a year
watching TV.

In contrast,
Wikipedia is estimated
to have taken
a mere 100 million hours to construct.
That’s all pages, all languages.
As Clay Shirky states
this is “a rounding error”
compared to the time spent watching TV.

Think of the difference
you and I could make in the world
if we allocated
merely a fraction more
of our TV watching time
to a project we care about.

No, don’t think about it.
DO it.

Pushing It Success

Last week,
I talked about
how I pushed it
doubling my word count
to take advantage
of some opportunities.

This week,
I found out
that one of these opportunities
paid off.
I’m in negotiations for a deal
that will greatly increase
my likelihood of long-term success.

Yes, there was a luck component.
I sent the right manuscript
at the right time.

But I wouldn’t have had
that manuscript to send
if I hadn’t worked my a$$ off
to get it written in time.

Pushing it DOES pay off,
not every time
(I’ve pushed it before and not seen success)
but eventually it will make a difference
in your success.

Valentine’s Day Magic

Every Valentine’s Day,
men (usually) run out
and buy their loved ones
chocolates or roses.

I can’t remember
the last time I read a scene with
the romance hero giving his loved one
chocolates or roses.

Because roses and chocolates are meaningless
on their own.
There’s no magic,
no awww… moment.

The awww… moment is
in the card,
in the words,
in the story.

The common message in romance novels
is that the hero will help protect the heroine.
He will help keep her safe
as she follows her dreams.
He will stand by her side
when the bad times come.

I believe this is what
real life heroes do for their loved ones.
The big difference is
romance heroes SAY it.

WRITE something on that damn card.
Four words is all it takes.
“I support your dreams.”

BTW… romance heroes,
despite the tall, dark and handsome stereotype
and the covers which writers have no control over,
come in all shapes and sizes
– compact (short),
bald (such a BIG market that we don’t use a code word),
rotund (chubby),
teddy bear (extremely hairy and usually chubby),
distinguished (old), struggling (broke a$$),
lithe (scrawny),
you name it.

They are definitely not perfect
but almost all of them
support their loved one’s dreams.
THAT is what romance readers
fantasize about.

Mukesh Ambani On The Purpose Of Business

Whenever I hear
people talk about building a business
or writing a book
because they want to become rich,
I cringe.

As you and I know,
there are usually years of struggle,
little income and hard work,
before any business or career is successful.
If making money is the sole aim,
we’ll give up long before this happens.

Mukesh Ambani,

the richest man in the world,
“My father was a big believer
that any business
that has the sole purpose of making money
is not worthwhile.
Business must serve
a larger societal purposes.”

I write romance novels
because I want to make the world
a happier, more hopeful, more optimistic place.
The money is needed
to put a roof over my head
and is a great incentive/benchmark
but that is not why I chose romance writing.

Why did you start your business?
Why do you do what you do?

Deadlines As Motivators

I’m motivated by deadlines.
As many people are.

When I add a project to my to-do list,
I also put a deadline beside it.
It may be a deadline I decided upon,
a self-inflicted deadline.
It doesn’t matter who gives me the deadline.
If I put a deadline on a project,
I’m much more likely to complete it.

Terry Starbucker outlines
what makes a great deadline.

“The business world has lots of deadlines,
and for the leader,
the biggest challenge is
how to choreograph them
in a way that maximizes productivity.

There are deadlines
that you don’t control,
of course,
but there are plenty more that you do.
And the timing and substance
of those controllable deadlines is critical.

If the deadline has an overly aggressive goal
and the timing is too “tight”,
you could create a failure and morale killer
that wasn’t necessary.

If it has a “slam dunk” goal
and is stretched out at a leisurely pace,
it can create a false sense of security
and can lead to complacency.

And much like the college professor
who had the threat of a failing grade
to motivate me to action,
leaders need to back their deadlines up
with clear consequences.”

Consider using deadlines as a motivator.

Organizations And Core Rules

Organizations have rules.
These rules can be
written or unwritten.

There are some rules
that can be changed
and there are some core rules
that shouldn’t ever be changed.

A writing buddy wants
Romance Writers Of America
to change their rules
to accept all genres.
This rule shouldn’t be changed
because if it was,
the group would no longer be
Romance Writers Of America.

Another writing buddy
wants one of the eligibility requirements
to be changed from
40,000 words to 25,000 words.
This rule COULD be changed
without destroying the group.

Before joining an organization,
find out which rules can be changed
and which rules can’t be changed.
If you can’t live with the rules
that can’t be changed,
that organization is NOT the organization for you.

Pushing It

I write 2,500 fresh words a day.
During this past week,
I was presented with some opportunities
that were too good to pass up.
To take advantage of them,
I wrote 5,000 fresh words a day.

Yep, I doubled my output
(same quality, double the output).

Pushing it did a number of things.
I took advantage of the opportunities.
I became more excited about my writing.
It proved to loved ones/partners/clients
I was serious about my career.
I learned I COULD do it.

I couldn’t write 5,000 words every day
without suffering from burnout
but I could easily bump my production
to 3,500 words a day.
This would give me an extra 365,000 words a year.
Those are game changer numbers.

Try pushing it for a week.
Work full out.
It might change your game also.