Orange And Black

Halloween is a fun celebration
to organize marketing campaigns

But there are people
who are adamantly
against Halloween.

How do we market
without angering those people?

We don’t mention Halloween.

We, instead,
orange and black
in our marketing.

Halloween lovers will know
it is a celebration of Halloween.

Halloween haters won’t be certain
it is a reference to Halloween.
A lot of things are orange and black.

They’ll likely target
that do use ‘Halloween’
in their promotions.

Consider using
orange and black
in your marketing
this month.

Small Steps Count

A loved one has started
an exercise program.
He does 10 minutes of walking
every day.

He counts ALL walking.
If he walks to the bathroom,
he counts that as part
of his 10 minutes.

And that’s okay.
Because he is still
doing more walking
than he did
before tracking it.

Small steps count.
They add up.
They still take us
toward our goals.

Complete a small task
for your business startup today.

Decide on a font color.
Talk to someone
in your target market.
Research sources
for supplies.

Do something
to move you closer
to your goals.

Don’t Vote To Eliminate Your Own Business

US National Teamsters
refused to
endorse a US Presidential Candidate
even though
one candidate supports unions
and the other candidate,
if he could,
would eliminate all unions
and throw the union leaders in jail.

That’s bullsh*t thinking
and bullsh*t strategy.

It is the same type
of strategy
that put a union-hating leader (Ford)
and party (the Conservatives)
in power in
Ontario, Canada.

And you know what
is happening now
Ontario, Canada?

Union jobs are being eliminated
and the rollout of new unions
are being blocked.

We should support political leaders
who support us.

For you and me,
those are
leaders who are favorable
to small business.

Fascists are NOT favorable
to small business
or start ups of any kind.

Don’t vote
to eliminate your own business.

Support Fellow Small Business Owners

A man was selling vegetables
in a parking lot.
He had a sign
he needed the money
to pay his bills.

I didn’t need vegetables
but I bought a bunch
of green onions.


Because he needed help
and also because
he was a fellow
small business owner.

I can’t promote
my products
by saying
they’re produced
by a small business
if I don’t,
support small businesses.

Customers are savvy
and the internet
is all revealing.
They’ll figure it out.

Plus I will know.
I’ll know
I’m not being genuine
and I don’t believe
the sh*t I’m pitching.

Support fellow
small business owners.

Tracking Deliveries

We’re approaching
the busy holiday shopping season
many of us
are improving
our systems to prepare for it.

One feature that is now
absolutely essential
for businesses
shipping to customers
is giving those customers
the ability to track
those shipments.

Customers expect
to be informed
when products
leave our facilities
and when products
are expected to be delivered
and every stop
between those two points.

Ensure your delivery partners
provide that information
ensure your business
has a process,
ideally automated,
that links your customers
to that information
provided by your delivery partners.

Customers expect
to be able to track shipments.
Ensure they have
that ability.

Don’t Take Advice From People Who Haven’t Figured It Out For Themselves

A loved one
gives me advice
on health and fitness topics.

I listen to him.
But I’m always skeptical
about his advice.


Because he’s in
terrible health.

And those health problems
are mostly
due to his choices.

There are
plenty of people
who are in great health
giving advice.

I use my limited time
to investigate THEIR advice.

Don’t take advice
from people
who haven’t figured out
the topic of that advice
for themselves.

It Is Not Fear Mongering

Some loved ones
are telling me
I’m ‘fear mongering’
regarding the threat
of denaturalization.

Stephen Miller,
Trump’s senior advisor,
on Twitter
that they will ‘turbocharge’
in 2025.

It isn’t fear mongering
if the threat
is bluntly issued
by people
with the authority
to enact that threat.

People in leadership positions
don’t ‘muse’ about
harming people
on public platforms.

That’s a
legitimate f*ckin’ threat.

If someone says
they will harm you,
believe them.

And take action
to ensure
that harm is minimized.

Keep Your Genealogy Records

The Fascists (Republican Party)
in the US
are openly talking about

That’s the stripping
of citizenship
from citizens.

One day,
people are American citizens.

The next day,
these same people will be country-less.

And they could be ‘deported’
to random countries.

You can bet
all your startup funds
Fascists in other countries
(like the Conservatives in Canada)
want to do this also.

Which means
we are all at risk
of being deported,
whether we were born
in our current citizenship country
or not.

We should
be prepared for that
if it happens.

That means getting
our genealogy records
in order.

We should have copies
of birth certificates
and marriage certificates
for our parents,
as far back
as possible.

The goal is to have ‘proof’
we have a tie
to another country.

That will increase the odds
we will be allowed
to stay in that country.

Sh*t is getting ugly.
Prepare for the ugliness now.

Early Holiday Sales

A holiday ornament company
sent me an email
offering me
10% off all products
if I ordered
in September.

I ordered
in September.

They received holiday sales early
freed up resources
during the upcoming
busy holiday season.

I was able to order
and not have to worry
about remembering to order
in time
later in the year
I received a discount.

It was a win-win
and all it took
was an email
and a small discount
from this company.

It truly WAS
that easy.

Don’t wait until
the holidays
to drive holiday sales.

Do it now.

Maintain The Base

I’ve been attending
the Consumer Electronics Show
in Vegas
for decades.

The CES knows this
and sends me
offering free registration
four months in advance.

Why would they do this
when they know
I’ll go anyway?

Because making these offers
their base of attendees.
They can tell advertisers
and exhibitors
that they already have
X number of attendees signed up.

Having a base
of attendees
or sales
or preorders
can benefit us in many different ways.

Maintain that base.
Do what you can
to make them happy.