Seasonality And Movie Ticket Sales

Seasonality is a factor in many industries. 
That is why we see ice cream advertising during the summer
and coffee advertising during the winter. 

But is seasonality alone enough to boost sales?
Do new product launches
and increased advertising
during this “hot” time
amplify sales even more?

By how much depends on the industry.
A recent study shows that
two-thirds of movie ticket seasonal sale increases
are caused by underlying demand. 
The other third is caused
by blockbuster releases and increased advertising. 

Categorized as Sales

TV Guide And Branding The Pieces

One of the smartest pieces of schwag
at the Consumer Electronics Show
was the TV Guide CES Survival Guide.
Not only did this lunch box full of snacks
tie in nicely with their product
(“Navigating CES is kind of like navigating TV today.
It can be very overwhelming.”)
but it was high impact. 

The problem was that it was also bulky
so attendees were scooping the inside treats
and ditching the box. 

What did the marketers at TV Guide do? 
They branded the inside pieces also. 

Look at your schwag and products. 
Is each piece branded?

Categorized as Marketing

File Taxes Under Fun

For most people (accountants excluded),
filing taxes falls into the same classification
as going to the dentist. 
Not fun but necessary. 

H&R Block is trying to change that.  
Their online tax prep program called Tango
uses every day language and slang (like chillax)
to make the process more user friendly. 

Who is their target? 
Younger taxpayers, obviously. 
Building on their share of
the 25% of taxpayers using software.  
Their unlimited customer support
also targets the 50% of taxpayers
using a professional tax preparer.   

Categorized as Marketing

Valentine’s Day Sales

When we think of Valentine’s Day purchases,
we often think of flowers
(it being the second biggest day for floral sales,
after Mother’s Day)
but it is a significant for other industry sales also. 

It is number two for cards (after Christmas)
with 85% of the valentines being purchased by women. 
It is also the fourth largest day for confectionery sales
(after Halloween, Easter and Christmas).

Retailers, however, are increasingly having to be more careful
with their Valentine’s Day pitches.
There is a growing counter-culture movement
against the commercialism. 

Categorized as Marketing

Green M&M’s For Valentine’s Day

My favorite Valentine’s Day
marketing pushes
of 2008
has to be M&M’s green promotion
Instead of the expected pink or red M&M’s,
the company is promoting green
(with the Tagline
“It says I want you. 
Need you. 
Love you. 
Like red never could.”) 

Why green? 
Because of the urban legend
about green M&M’s
promoting… umm… friskiness. 

Yes, a company working with urban legend,
rather than against it. 

Categorized as Marketing

Referrals From Friends And Family

Ivan Misner asks when was the last time
you got a referral from friends or family? 

In my case,
recently from my fellow business minded friends
but never from anyone else. 

Because they, like our customers, need reminding. 
They also need coaching. 
About what need our product solves or
even what our product is.  

Don’t assume that they know. 
I once worked for a property management company
with a popular car brand in its name.  
A decade later, I still get car buying referrals from a loved one.      

Categorized as Sales

Trip Chaining And Gender

Trip chaining,
the process of making many stops with one trip,
is a woman’s domain

Although women have shorter commutes,
they make more stops. 
They go through the drive-thru,
stop at daycare, drop by the mall.  
Men drive directly between home and work. 

What does this mean? 
Drive-thru’s, roadside signs, radio ads, 
should be female friendly.   

Categorized as Marketing

The Power Of “We”

When I listen to business leaders,
one of the things I like to do is
count how many times they use
“we” and “our” in their presentations.  
“We” is used so often
that it has to be intentional. 

Why use “we”? 
“We” is inclusive. 
“We” immediately draws people into your team. 

When I sell,
whether a product to a customer or
myself to a potential employer,
I use “we” and “our.” 
I ask “when is our month end” or
“what do we need to accomplish with this product?” 

It immediately takes me from being outside to inside.   

Top Marketing Tips

Small Business Trends has gathered
top marketing tips from dozens of experts. 

My favorite was from Drew McClellan
of Drew’s Marketing Minute
He advises to limit the number of marketing techniques. 

“Pick 3-4 marketing tactics that you think
are really going to be valued by your audience
and drive the behavior/action you’re looking for.
Then, figure out how you can do them
in an extraordinary way. 

100% consistency.
100% relevancy.
Do less. But do them better.”

Categorized as General