The Power Of Enthusiasm

I have a buddy whose idea
of enthusiasm in web copy
is using BOLD and multiple exclamation marks.

I suggested she read
Stop, Ask, and Listen
by Kelley Robertson.

Instead of offering a dismissive
“Oh, we’re out of stock,”
“We’re completely sold out!”

“We can’t get any until next month”
“They’re selling so fast
we can’t keep them in stock!”

“You can try getting it at
one of our other stores”
morphs into the stronger
“Let me contact one of our other stores
and see if they can help.”

Are you using enthusiasm in your copy?

Categorized as Marketing

Ageless Marketing

David Wolfe and Robert Snyder
in Ageless Marketing
advise companies to
“Market to values, not to age.”

The top 3 values held
by Americans 62 and older are
self-respect, family ties, and faith and religion.
The top 3 values held
by Americans 45 to 61 are
altruism, family ties, and intellectual curiosity.

Yes, feature older actors and actresses
in marketing
but actually mentioning age is not needed.
Focus on values.

Categorized as Marketing

Colin Powell On Where Leaders Should Be

In August’s PM Network,
Colin Powell says
“In the military,
there is a lot of discussion
about where a leader should be
on the battlefield.
Should the leader be up front
where it’s possible to
become a quick casualty
should the person be
at the rear?
The correct answer is
that you should be at
the point of decision.
You should be where
you can make the most difference.”

It is the same in business.
Are you in the place/position
where you can make the most difference?

Falsies And Test Markets

When I worked for a certain beverage company
and Pepsi, the competition,
tested a new product,
we would buy pallets full of
before it even hit the store floor.

We’d then tear the product
apart in labs
and ship it
to co-workers across the world.

Pepsi’s sales would spike
in these locations
but they weren’t real sales.
They were,
as Robert McMath calls them in
What Were They Thinking?
(a must read for any product developer)

The more shelf stable a product is,
the bigger the magnitude of the falsies.

If you’re using test markets
to judge sales potential,
make sure they are real sales.

Categorized as Marketing

Popcorn Sales At Movies – Horror Vs Comedy

According to the John Tesh Radio Show,
movie goers consume
30% more popcorn
while watching scary or dramatic movies
than while watching comedies.

I often get asked
which is the better emotion to use
in marketing –
fear or love.

It depends on what you’re selling.
Fear sells more popcorn.
Love sells more greeting cards.

Categorized as Marketing

Bestsellers, Mid List, One Hit Wonders

I’m inviting a range of authors
to participate in a holiday promo.
and have observed any interesting trend.

The New York Times Bestselling authors
alway respond (or have someone respond for them)
with either a yes or a no.
Most say yes.

Why wouldn’t they?
There is no cost to this promo
(not even a book give away).

The mid list authors respond
a week or so later.
All of them say yes.

The new authors with small press publishers
seldom respond.
If they do, they are suspicious,
asking questions like “How much does it cost?”
They want to see the post
before they completely agree with participating.
They send me three different versions of their excerpts
and want me to choose.
In other words, they are a pain in the a$$.

I’m thinking this is not a coincidence.

Want to act like a bestseller?
Respond quickly and professionally.

Categorized as Marketing

Using The Name You Were Given

What type of column
would you expect a newswoman named
Blane Bachelor (her REAL name)
to host?

A dating advice column.
And she does.
(A witty one)

I know a woman named Spicy.
She writes erotica.

Charlotte Church got her start singing hymns.

My novel readers expect,
with a name like Kimber Chin,
an international flare to my writing.
I give them that.

Business inspiration can come from anywhere,
including your own name.

The Marketing Power Of Angelina Jolie

Dosh Dosh has a great post
on how email marketers (i.e. spammers)
leverage the power of the familiar.

2.28% of all emails in July
had Angelina Jolie in the subject line.
Because we all known her.
Familiarity lowers our bull sh** blockers.
It doesn’t hurt that she is current.

Is using Angelina’s name too transparent for you?
Then use an influential in the community.
When I visit romance forums,
I’ll lead by talking about
a well known author’s current book.
This small talk puts readers at ease.

Categorized as Marketing

Giveaways For One Book Authors

Every month on my writing blog,
I give away a book.

NOT my book.

Because I’m trying to sell my book
to the people I’m promoting the contest to.
If they have a chance at winning a free copy,
they won’t buy.

So I give away favorite eBooks I’ve read.
Most authors,
when they hear I’m promoting their book,
will give me that copy for free.
They will also help me promote the contest
and drive readers to my site.


Categorized as Marketing

Start And Sell – The Family Business

Only 10% of family businesses
are successfully passed on to the third generation.

Fourth generation business owner,
Thomas Deans shared his technique for
beating the succession blues
in October’s MoneySense Magazine.

When it came time for succession,
his father and grandfather
sold their businesses at market value.

Knowing the family business is always up for sale,
means no assumptions of ownership
or perma-positions held.
Children are free to make their own career decisions.
It also eliminates family tension.

“When all family members
understand there is no family discount on shares,
there’s nothing to be jealous of.”