Should You Start A Business With Family Members? Part One

You tell a family member
about an exciting new business idea
you have.

The family member
tells you
“Let’s do this.
I’ll partner with you.”

It is tempting
to say yes
but think it through.

Because most businesses
That’s reality.

And a business that fails
destroys relationships.

That means
you won’t
have a healthy relationship
with that family member
ever again.

You won’t speak at get-togethers.

They will bad mouth you
to other family members.

It will impact
every person in your family.

And you,
because you had the idea,
will likely be painted
as the bad guy.

Are you willing to risk that?

It also means
those family members
won’t be able to help you
if you need money
to put food
on the table.

They’ll be
in the same situation,
competing for that help.

And remember
they will point at you
as being the cause of their hardships.

Think about
the consequences
of starting a business
with family.