Drama-Loving People And Getting Sh*t Done

I have a loved one
who creates drama
wherever he goes.
He usually manufactures it.

And that drama
sucks all of the energy
out of a room.

There is no emotional space
for anything else.

I know this.
I accept this
about him.

And, when I have sh*t to do,
I avoid him.

I make excuses
not to take his calls
or spend time with him
until my work is done.

Drama-infused surroundings
might be exciting.
But they aren’t conducive
to getting things done.

Avoid them
and the people causing the drama
until you complete
your essential business building tasks.

Oh, and try
NOT to hire drama-causing people.

If you do need their skills,
isolate them
as much as possible
from your team.