The Will To Believe

I posted yesterday
about my theory
about why leaders and the media
aren’t being honest with us
about events
like COVID.

They’re worried about liability.

So why does the average person
follow their lead?

We know many people around us
are ill.
We know the hospitals are full.
We go to stores
and see cold medicine shelves are bare.

The reality is…
most people are followers.

They don’t want to take
personal responsibility
for their actions
or lack of actions.
That is too much pressure
for them.

So they shift that task
to leaders
and blindly follow them.

They have zero guilt
if things go wrong
because they didn’t make
any decisions.

(But they DID make a decision
– to blindly follow
that leader.)

And, at this point in the pandemic,
admitting COVID is serious
means also admitting
they’ve made deadly mistakes.
They’ve exposed loved ones
to danger,
a danger that might resurface
at any time in the future.

The average person
NEEDS emotionally to think
COVID is mild.
to think their child
or other vulnerable loved one
won’t suffer in the future
from a mistake they’ve already made.

The average person
will continue thinking
COVID is over
or isn’t a danger.

Which means COVID
will cause more harm
and it likely won’t ever end.

Plan for that personally
and for your business.