The Cost Of Starting A Business

I read a thread
where people were arguing
whether or not
poor people
could start businesses.

It depends
on your definition of poor.

If it is,
what I call,
middle class poor
i.e. there’s money for a phone/device
and a source of reliable internet,
then yes, that type of poor
likely has the resources
to start a business.

But there’s a level of poor
where having a phone/device
and access to reliable internet
is a dream.
People at that level of poor
are focused on sourcing the next meal
and putting a roof over their heads.

Starting a business
means forgoing meals
and/or quitting that much-needed
third or fourth job
or relying on a generous gift/loan
from a stranger.

( supplies loans
to many people
at this level.)

Starting a business
is out of reach
for some people.

If it is within your reach,
celebrate that!