The Same Thing Every Day

When many people
think of
starting a business,
they think of the big events
– the first spark of an idea
for a product/service,
the finalization of the
first product/service,
the first shipment,
the first store opening,
the first sale.

Those are all
super exciting times.
They are the highlights.

But they are rare.

The majority of time
business building is
a slow slog.
It is unlocking the same office
at the same time
to do the same thing
every day.

Most of the work is
boring and monotonous.

But that work is needed
and that work makes a difference.

As Seth Godin

“If you care,
keep talking.
Keep acting.
Stay focused.
And don’t get bored.”

Making a difference
often means
doing the same things
saying the same things
over and over.

Embrace that reality.