Supply Chain Issues

The publishing industry is in a panic.
There are severe supply chain issues
with print books
in the U.S.
and there WILL be shortages
at American bookstores
now and during the all important holiday season.


Mostly because
officially 1 in 500 Americans
have died of COVID.
(Unofficially that rate is much worse.)
As many or more Americans
are suffering from Long COVID.

The lack of workers
impacts almost every step
of production
from paper manufacturing
to printing
to shipping
to, hell, cardboard box supplies.

Importing isn’t a great solution
to this
as there are severe labor shortages
at dockyards.

This won’t merely be
a book industry issue.
It will impact everyone.

Look at where and how
you source supplies
and products
for your business.
Manage your supply chain closely.
Plan for disruptions.