Be Gentle With Yourself And Others

I see the headlines
about parents being under
a lot of stress
and kids being under
a lot of stress
and medical staff being under
a lot of stress

We are ALL under
a lot of stress.

Many of us
believed once we had a vaccine,
everything would get better.
The dying would stop.
Life would return
to whatever we believed
was normal.

We have the vaccine.
The situation has now become worse.
And we don’t yet know
what will reverse that horrible trend.

That’s stressful.

Do what you can do
to reduce your stress
and the stress of others.

Consider making deadlines
more flexible.
Designate mental health days.
Allow yourself
and others
to walk away from work
on days off.
Send employees donuts.
Give them fun themed masks.

It is okay to be step back
right now.
There will be time
for world domination
when this pandemic is over.

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