There’s A Cost For Perfection

The best book I’ve ever read,
the romance novel
I use as a benchmark
for my own,
has been reprinted numerous times
yet still has at least one typo in it.

There’s no such thing
as perfect,
not for everyone,
and often perfection
isn’t necessary
or even wanted.
Perfect is often too sterile.
There’s no soul in the product.

But if you seek perfection,
build a system around it.

Seth Godin

“If you’ve decided that
errors are too expensive
for your project,
then build a system
that doesn’t
depend on heroics
to avoid errors.
Sure, that costs more than
just trying harder,
but if trying harder
was going to
reduce errors,
it would have worked already.”

There’s a cost
for perfection.
And one of those costs
requires building systems
to prevent errors.

Decide now
how much you want to pay
to be error-free.