If They Show You Who They Are…

A publisher
CCed my private email address
in a message
to 9 other writers.

That was a mistake,
one that anyone could easily make.
The field likely

That publisher shared
my physical address,
information only they had,
in the body of that email.

That was a conscious decision.

I asked for my rights back
that same day.

There are mistakes
caused by typos or autofilling
or other ‘accidents’
there are mistakes
caused by someone
not knowing wrong from right.

The first type of mistake
happens to everyone.
Hey, we’re human.

But if someone doesn’t know
the difference between
wrong and right,
that’s a huge problem,
one that will resurface again and again,
causing pain and loss in the future.

Sever ties
or limit your interaction
with those type of people
as soon as possible.

They’re showing you
WHO they are
and that type of error
in judgment
WILL happen again.