One of my buddies
has enlisted her books
in KU (Kindle Unlimited),
Amazon’s subscription program.
The Amazon algorithms
heavily favor KU books.
My buddy’s primary concern
is ensuring those
algorithms work for her.
When she crafts her books,
she crafts them
for these algorithms.
Her titles,
using one small example,
are keyword stuffed.
They are titles
“The Vampire’s Fated To Mate Dragon Shapeshifter.”
My books, on the other hand,
aren’t in KU.
I receive no algorithm love.
All the sales I receive
on Amazon
I’ve brought there.
“At the same time,
we benefit
when we realize
that the algorithm isn’t
rooting for us
and quite probably
is working against us.”
My primary target user
is the reader.
My titles,
using the same example,
are meant to
appeal to them.
The vampire-dragon shapeshifter book
might have a title like
“Blood And Scales.”
Algorithms ARE a secondary target user
so I might have
“A Dragonshifter and Vampire Romance”
as the subtitle
but the primary title
is one readers would be proud
to have on their bookshelves.
Know who your primary target user
when you start designing your products/services.
There is NO shame
in acknowledging it is an algorithm.
That is a legitimate target user.
But it is best to know this
when designing your products/services.