I’ve made some great investments
in my life
-in the stock market, in businesses,
in education, in people.
I’ve been extremely lucky
in that way.
The best investment I’ve ever made,
was not seeing
my extremely beloved
yet also extremely fragile
for Canadian Thanksgiving
mid October.
Some call forgoing an occasion
a sacrifice.
Sacrifice relays that
we don’t get anything
in return
for our actions.
I’ve received plenty in return.
I have talked to my Mom
perhaps a thousand
since that date.
That was my return
and it was a d*mn good one.
(If I want to increase
my return,
all I have to do
is call her more often.)
Forgoing face-to-face meetings
with her
has been an INVESTMENT,
not a sacrifice.
Invest in the people
you love.
Keep them as safe
as possible.