A Small Business Isn’t A Small Big Business

One of my buddies
is a top executive
at a huge company.

She is considering
starting a small business,
citing her success
at running a large business.

I pointed out
that these are
very different

As Seth Godin

“A small business is not
a big business
that hasn’t grown up yet.
It’s different.
A small business has an owner,
someone who can
make decisions without meetings,
who can listen to customers
who can embrace
the work at hand.”

One isn’t better
than the other.
They are merely

If you’re an executive
in a large business,
there are skill sets
you’ve obtained
that will be useful
when starting
and running
your small business.

But a small start up company
and a huge established company
the same type
of business
…at all.

Expect a learning curve.