To Hold Beliefs Is To Be Human

I have never met someone
who didn’t hold a belief.

Even the most adamant so-called non-believer,
the person who claims
she bases everything in science,
holds a belief
…in science.

Beliefs can be healthy.
They can be essential
to happiness,
to strong mental health.
Beliefs are often our ways
of making sense
in a world
that isn’t always logical.

They give us peace.

But they CAN
also cause problems
for us and for loved ones.

Seth Godin

“If your beliefs are
getting in the way
of your work,
of your health
or the health of those
around you,
of your ability to be
a contributing citizen,
it might be worth examining
why you have them
and how they got there.”

A belief, for example, that
drinking water at room temperature
makes a person live longer
isn’t hurting anyone
and MIGHT help
the belief holder
emotionally and physically.

A belief that EVERYONE
should drink water at room temperature,
in contrast,
can lead to unhappiness
for the belief holder
and for many people around her.

Question the beliefs
that aren’t working for you
and for your loved ones.

Embrace your healthy beliefs.