Increase The Number Of Times You Share Your Message

Most of us know about
the Rule of 7
(or 8).

Kathi Kruse

“The Marketing Rule of 7
states that
a prospect needs to “hear”
the advertiser’s message
at least 7 times
before they’ll take action
to buy that product or service.”

At the beginning
of the Great Pause,
I projected
that number would decrease.
More people would be
at home,
would have limited options
for entertainment.
They’d pay closer attention
to ads, social media,
other marketing.

I was wrong.

According to my stats,
the number has INCREASED.
People need to see
our messages MORE often
before acting on them.

I have a number of theories
about this.
People are worried
and that takes
much of their brain power.
People are fixated
on the COVID numbers
and aren’t looking at ads.
People are concerned
about the future
and are being extra cautious
about decisions.

Whatever the reason is
for it,
we need to show
prospects our messages
MORE often now.

If you can,
increase your marketing.
Don’t decrease it.

Categorized as Marketing