Share The Surplus

I was looking for
a professional
to help me
with a specific part
of my business.

I received dozens
of recommendations.
I spent time and other resources
evaluating those recommendations.
I had a few awesome candidates.
I only needed one person.

So, after discussing this
with the awesome candidates,
gaining their approval,
I posted
that if anyone was looking for
the same type of professional,
contact me.
I suspect,
judging by the number of people
who contacted me,
all of the qualified candidates
landed projects.

The candidates were happy.
The folks I recommended
the candidate to
were happy.
I’ve built goodwill
with both of these groups
and am happy.

We all won.

Seth Godin

“100 people apply for a job.
99 are sent home.
What if the winner hadn’t applied?
You might have been thrilled
with the person
who almost got the job.”

Be generous.

Share the surplus,
whether that is talent
or other resources.