Give Me A Date

One of the (many) things
Amazon does right
is give customers
an expected delivery date.

The product often doesn’t
arrive on that first stated
delivery date.
The delivery date
is adjusted as time passes.

But we know roughly
when to expect it
and that is vastly reassuring.

I give my readers (customers)
an estimated date
for when my next book
will release.
It usually doesn’t release
exactly on that date
but it is a rough estimate.

That reassures readers.
They don’t spend energy
about whether or not
the book will release.
They know it is on my to-write list.

Seth Godin

“Tell us
when you’re going to finish.

Tell us
if you fall behind.

Don’t make us ask.”

Having a date,
even if it is the wrong date,
reassures customers.

Give them
your best guess.

Categorized as Sales