Have you ever
driven home
and not remembered
any part of the trip?
Or you water the plants
and then,
moments later,
touch the soil
because you can’t remember
watering them?
If we do something every day
and nothing out of the ordinary happens,
we tend to forget we did
that something.
It’s similar to how
we don’t notice something
we see all the time.
“It turns out that
if you see something
over and over again,
you start to ignore it.
And so marketers
of all stripes
work to pique your interest
by making funky little adjustments.
They’ll change
the speed limit to 57,
or hang a sign upside down.
In one study, they found that
a scientist dressed
as a panhandler
raised more money
when he asked for 37 cents
instead of a quarter.”
If you send the same message
to prospects/customers
consider changing them a little bit.
That might prompt
a different response.